Thursday, April 7, 2011

Treating Heart Attacks with Natural Way

Heart attack is one of the cardiovascular disease that needs serious attention. Cardiovascular in the narrow sense can be said to talk about heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. Age is one factor causing the increased heart attack. Old age and most often the biggest risk of a heart attack. Young men are more prone to heart attacks when compared with women his age.

Heart disease is influenced by several factors that can not be controlled by the factor of age, gender, and family history of heart disease. To avoid the risk of heart attack risk factors can be controlled must be considered given priority to, for example:

Cholesterol levels
If levels of cholesterol in the blood exceeds 140 mg / dL, then arteriosclerosis (blood clots in the heart) the more rapid progress. Thus, the limit of the safe keeping cholesterol in the blood is an act of prevention of coronary heart attack due to arteriosclerosis in coronary vessels of the heart.

Blood pressure
According to the results of the study, systolic blood pressure should the average man aged 25-35 years was 112.5 mm / Hg and 126 mm / Hg for ages 35-64 years. While for women the same age, blood pressure sistolik ie 109, 4 mm / Hg and 130 mm / Hg.
Rise and fall of blood pressure associated with the consumption of salt. Based on the research, there is a relationship between the pattern of life of a region with the consumption of salt. Therefore, the consumption of salt is less than 5 grams per day is a good treatment in an effort to avoid a heart attack.

Toxins contained in cigarette smoke can trigger blood clotting. Smokers tend to be concentrated blood. Therefore, the work of the heart pumps blood throughout the body become heavy. If this situation lasts long, it's possible fatigue and heart will end up in heart failure or coronary heart disease.

Blood sugar levels
Blood containing high sugar solution will be more concentrated when compared to low blood sugar levels normal. High blood sugar levels will trigger fragility of blood vessel walls, so that the wall is easily broken. If the heart blood vessels rupture, it means you have a heart attack.

Weight loss
Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of heart attack. To know the normal weight is high subtracting the body with 100 -110. If the body weight above normal, the risk of heart attack should be wary of.

Physical activity
Physical activity in various forms such as physical work, sports, or in the form of recreation and the arts, have the effect of profektif to various risks of heart attacks. The results showed that brisk walking between 6-7 miles for 1 hour, 3 times a week or 30 minutes as much as 4-5 times a week is enough to control heart attack risk factor, particularly for the age of 40 years and over. The easiest way to measure exercise or physical activity enough to spur a heart that is when it is an increase in pulse and breathing, and was sweating.

The first step is performed in patients with heart attacks by providing an atmosphere that is comfortable, quiet, avoid the atmosphere tense, and try to relax. If conscious, patients were given drinking water and medicinal herbs. However, if the victim is getting worse, immediately escorted to the hospital to get immediate medical treatment.

First treatment for heart attack patients can use 6 types of prescription of medicinal plants is the daun dewa, purslane, sambiloto (paniculata), sambung nyawa, Blumea, and yure.
Treatment of heart attack using the crop daun dewa (Gynura segetum)
Eat 3 pieces of fresh leaves daun dewa 3 times a day. It can also consume 20 grams of fresh tubers are mashed, 1 time a day continuously until cured.
By consuming the leaves and tubers of plants daun dewa, blood circulation will be smooth and there is no blockage of blood flow so that the work of the heart is not disrupted. Savor leaf god is to prevent blood clots and blood circulation.
Treatment of heart attack by using plant purslane (Portulaca oleracae L.)
Rinse and 4 pieces or 60 grams of fresh plants and then mashed. Squeeze, then strain the water and then add honey to taste and warm water 100 ml. drink while still warm 2 times a day, one hour before eating and do to recover.
Purslane plants efficacious as fever, pain relief, shed the piss, tranquilizers, lowering blood sugar, heart amplifier, and improving blood circulation. Because many properties that purslane plants to help the healing process of patients with palpitations.
Treatment with sambiloto (Androgaphis paniculata (burm. F.) Nees)
Boil a handful of leaves and stems dry sambiloto 15-25 grams with 3 cups water in pot soil. Let boil until water live half of the approximately 1.5 cups. Chill and drink.
Warning: Pregnant women are forbidden to consume sambiloto because it can cause miscarriage. This herb has anti hifertensi, anti cholesterol, anti-diabetic, shed the piss, and improve immunity and stamina.
Treatment with the plant's sambung nyawa (Gynura procumbens Back).
Consumption of 3 pieces of fresh leaves of sambung nyawa 3 times a day. Do it until it heals.
These plants are coronary heart patients to lower cholesterol.
Treatment with the plant Blumea (Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC.)
Boil 15-20 grams of dried plant Blumea with 3 cups water. Allow to boil down to 1.5 cups cooking water and then filtered. Drink this mixture 3 times a day each ½ cup and add 1 tablespoon of honey.
To dispel blood clots, blood circulation, and anti-inflammatory.
Treatment using yure plants (Nerium indicum. Mill)
Take 3 pieces of fresh yure leaves and then rinse thoroughly. Mash the leaves are then brewed with boiling hot water one cup. Strain the mixture when cool and then drink 1 a day (yure plant is very poisonous).
Plants are yure strengthen the heart and cardiotonic. This plant really help cure a weak heart, palpitations, and the feet and hands cold or sweaty. However, this plant is very dangerous for pregnant women.