Friday, March 18, 2011

Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.)

This plant is classified as an annual shrub plant that has many names. Latin name is Gynura segetum, but people often refer to this plant by the name of daun dewa or beluntas cina and Chinese communities to name this plant san qi cao. There are some people call daun dewa crops to sambung nyawa plant, or vice versa. However, these plants were actually different species. Results of scientific studies of determination of both the crop plants by the Research Center for Biology - LIPI, Bogor, said that the scientific name of daun dewa is Gynura pseudochina (Lour.) DC, while the sambung nyawa plant is Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.

Plants that are said to have originated from Burma and China are classified in herb plants, with a height of 30 - 45, growing up straight, short trunk and soft, pentagon-shaped, oval cross-section, smooth-haired and purple-green. Young stems green, if a bit old branched lot.

This single-leaved plants, scattered around the stem, short-stemmed, rounded shape ovate to elongate, pointed tip, edges uneven, tapered base, pinnate leaves bones. Leaves mostly clustered at the bottom, somewhat rare in the tip of the stem, position the criss-cross. Both leaf surfaces smooth haired, white color. The color of the leaf surface dark green, light green bottom. Leaves about 20 cm long and 10 cm wide.

Compound interest is growing at the end of the stem, hump-shaped yellow (flower heads), hairy, calyx cup-shaped green, needle-shaped stamens. Seed, needle-shaped, about 0.5 cm long, brown. The roots of this plant is the root fibers, flaxen forming tubers as a food reserve.

Daun dewa for practitioners of herbal medicine is not foreign. This plant can be used in circumstances or in fresh and dried. Apart from leaves, tubers of this plant can also be used as a drug. Twin advantages of this plant is not only used as a drug, can also be as a vegetable in the form of vegetables.

Leaves and roots of this plant can be used as an anticoagulant drug (thin the blood clots), anti-inflammatory, wound shock, blood circulation, stop bleeding (coughing up blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds), reduce swelling or lumps in the breast, and very effective for medication facilitate menstruation. Daun dewa plant also has a distinctive flavor and is neutral. Based on the results of empirical research and experience is known that this plant is anticoagulant, antikarsinogen, antimutagenitas and diuretics. It is also known that all parts of this plant can be used to treat breast tumors and burns.

Based on the findings of experts that the chemical constituents contained in daun dewa plant in the form of compounds such as flavonoids, phenolic acid, chlorogenic acid, kafeat acid, p-kumarat acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and vanillic acid. Gynecology and the benefits of flavonoids compounds, saponins, and essential oils is indicated to reduce blood cholesterol. Essential oils in plants is thought to stimulate blood circulation, is also analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Essential oils and flavonoids also act as antiseptic. Other compounds contained in the daun dewa are alkaloids, tannins and polyphenols.