Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Treatment of fracture accidents using medicinal plants

Physical clash between the body with other objects can cause broken bones or fractured bones in certain sections. Therefore, these injuries require help for every stage of the repair or return to its original state.

In this accident are usually divided into two conditions, namely the condition of fractures or cracks are accompanied by bleeding and a broken bone or fracture without bleeding. Relief is given will be very different to both conditions. Victims usually do not realize, but there are also some in the conscious condition.

The first step is to see the condition of victim assistance, is there any bleeding or broken bones. If there is bleeding, try to stop it. Protect the injured part by attaching the wood a little long for not much impact or movement. Next give the concoction of medicinal plants which are pain relief, anti-bleeding, and anti-swelling. Take care as soon as possible to where the next victim. The goal for return of bone fracture back to its home position, either through surgery with the aid and medical workers and to the treatment of bone non-medical.

Conditions that are not broken bones or fractured just usually is not accompanied by bleeding due to physical collisions that occur are not as hard as bone fracture. Handling is easier and shorter than aid for broken bones. Simply give concoction of herbs that are anti-inflammatory and pain reduction. Furthermore, to help further bring the victim to the hospital or place of non-medical treatments (alternative medicine).

First aid can be given is to use two kinds of medicinal plants namely cakar ayam (Selaginella doerdelinii Hieron) and Daun dewa (Genura segetum).

Getting treatment of fractures using cakar ayam are as follows:
a) Boil dry plant as many as 15 to 30 grams with 3 cups water.
b) Let the boiling water remaining half (1 ½ cups).
c) Drinking herb 3 times a day @ ½ cup.
d) It could also pulverized cakar ayam plants, then affixed to the broken bone.
Cakar ayam plants is anti piretik, anti-toxins, hemostatic, anti-swelling, and is warm. The reaction after the use of medicinal plants can reduce swelling, stop bleeding, and reduce heat.

Getting treatment of fractures using the daun dewa are as follows:
a) Take the bulb plants as needed (according to state cuts)
b) pulverized tuber crops and smeared on a broken part.
c) Try the broken body parts covered with these ingredients.
Daun dewa plant have anti-coagulant, stimulates circulation, stop bleeding, anti-toxins, and fever. This plant can reduce swelling from a broken bone suffered and recover quickly if the position of bone damage has been repaired.