Friday, February 4, 2011

Overcoming bad breath

Fixing bad breath depends on what the cause. Causes The most common is due to a dirty mouth. Plaque, a bacterium that is almost invisible and constantly forming in your mouth, often responsible for causing bad breath. Other causes such as cavities and gum disease.

Sometimes, bad breath is caused by something in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract or systemic (bodywide) infection. However, eating a garlicky meal is one of the most common causes. Strong smell of foods such as garlic, onion and alcohol which is carried through the bloodstream and exhaled by the lungs. Big loser that cause bad breath is tobacco. In addition, some health problems, such as sinus infections or diabetes (which may provide chemical breath odor), can cause bad breath.

Some conditions of the mouth and throat can trigger bad breath. Infected gums are often associated with bad breath. Sinusitis infection may issue an unpleasant smell from the nose to the back of the throat. Tonsil infection and bronchitis can trigger the same smell. But normally bad breath occurs when sulfur-containing amino acids are broken down by bacteria that thrive in an oxygen-free environment. This produces a mixture of gases that smell. So is the use of selenium can cause bad breath. Selenium sulfide is used to treat dandruff. This chemical is also found in some lipsticks.

There are some people who have little content of saliva, usually saliva helps clean the mouth. Saliva is not sufficient to accumulate dead cells on the tongue and gums, which can cause odor. Because the mouth becomes drier during sleep, the smell of the breath in the morning becoming less fresh. Smoking and certain medications can also lower the amount of saliva.

The most important step to get rid of bad breath is to improve dental health. But this does not mean just brushing teeth three times a day after meals. Do not forget to brush your tongue too, because most people do not want to do it. Tongue contain grooves where the remnants of feces collected and a lot of gas floating.

In addition to brushing teeth and tongue, bad breath caused by bacteria can be prevented by rinsing water immersion betel. Simply by using 3 pieces of betel leaf is brewed hot water, let cool briefly and the water used for rinsing

On the betel leaf essential oil contained that can evaporate. Among the largest betelfenol and kavikol. The distinctive aroma of betel leaf and oil it because the content kavikol. This compound has a strong antiseptic power and killing power of bacteria to five times more than ordinary phenol. Betel leaves also contain allylrocatecol, cineole, caryophylenne, menthone, eugenol and methyl ether. In fact, betel leaves contain vitamin C and alkaloids arakene the same properties with cocaine.

Several scientific papers also mention, betel leaves contain an enzyme diastase, sugars, flavonoids, and contain diastase tannin. In young leaves, sugar, and essential oil more than the old, while the tannins are relatively similar. Compounds that make the betel leaf is capable of reducing sprue has not been detected, but in some ancient books of India and Greece, as quoted by Dervish SN, mentioned leaves of this plant has the nature Styptic (holding bleeding), vulnerary (skin wound healing), stomachic (digestive tract drug ), strengthens teeth, and clean the the throat .