Saturday, January 8, 2011

Treating Maag with Plant Medicines

Maag or gastritis is a symptom of a disease that attacks the stomach because the event of injury or inflammation of the stomach that causes pain, heartburn, and sore in the stomach. Maag symptoms characterized by pain during bowel movements, nausea and vomiting, often feel hungry and flatulence.

Generally, the disease that often occurs in people of blood group O is inflammation of the mucous membranes (mucosa), stomach (gastritis) or gastric mucosa injury (gastric ulcer), which is known as peptic ulcer (ulcer pepticum).

In the circumstances there is pain ulcers in the gastric mucosa. Ulcers caused by unbalance of gastric acid-pepsin secretion and mucus (gastric mucosal gland product that serves as a stronghold for the mucosal lining of the stomach). Because the stomach is located in the upper abdominal cavity slightly to the left (solar plexus), the patients usually complain of pain in that part. The cause of this disease are substances that can inhibit gastric acid secretion. For example, histamine and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. Work hard, mind tense, edgy, or lack of sleep also causes high levels of stomach acid. Often late for eating, drinking acidic drugs on an empty stomach, drinking alcohol, and excessive cigarette smoking can also cause this disease. Similarly, Helicobacter pylory bacterial infection that can invade submucosal layer of the stomach.

Based on the cause before, healing is done by neutralizing stomach acid, reduce gastric acid production, treating the infection on gastric mucous membrane, and reduces pain due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall or muscle spasms. Especially for stomach pain due to infection of H. pylory, treated using antibiotics. To the patient is also encouraged to eat small amounts but often.

In addition to using pharmaceutical drugs, gastritis medication can also use medicinal plants. With a mix of plants that have demulcent properties, antacids, and astringent, will be able to obtain the best dosage for the treatment of wounds (ulcers). Some plants that have been widely studied for the healing of peptic ulcers are turmeric and aloe vera.

Turmeric (curcuma domestica val)
The content of curcumin in turmeric is effective in preventing and improving gastric injury induced by phenylbutazone and aspirin. Curcumin enhance gastric mucus so that an ulcer activity can be explained by stimulation of mucus production. Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties comparable to hydrokortison acetate to heal inflammation induced karagenin. Water extract (extracted using water) 40 mg / kg of nutritious same indomentasin 5 mg / kg body weight. Antiinflammatory efficacy was produced from essential oils.

To use it as an maag medication required two fingers of turmeric. This material is peeled and cleaned, shredded, and boiled water added. After that, squeeze through a clean cloth. The result is muted and the retrieved water nodes. In a day taken 2 times, each one potion. Drink in the morning before meals and at night before bed.

Aloe vera (Aloe Vera Linn.)
Efficacy of treating peptic ulcers is derived from Magnesiun Aloenin and lactate in the identified leaf aloe vera can inhibit gastric acid secretion in animals. Other active substances identified as Aloctin Aloctin A and B. Aloctin A inhibits the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin when given intra-venous in rats. Another potent ingredient is Aloin and anthraquinone, which can increase the production of prostaglandins. In addition, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel contains bradykinase, an enzyme-breaking source of inflammation, bradykinin.

To make aloe vera as an maag medication needed fresh gel from approximately ½ aloe vera leaves. Gel as much is drunk for a drink. In one day have to drink it 2 times. To improve the sense of the gel can be given honey to taste. Pregnant women should not consume this natural herb.

Following a traditional herb medicine to treat gastritis.
  • Iris 5 turmeric finger size approximately 1 mm that had been cleaned, then add 2 cinnamon pieces approximately 5 cm respectively. Boil the 3 cups to 1 cup in a vessel that is not made of aluminum. Cooking water from the nodes will turn red. Drink boiled water was at the time heartburn is felt, should be out 1 cup. Do it regularly until it heals.
  • Provide turmeric rhizome, about the size of 2 fingers, peeled, cleaned and grated. Put the grated turmeric and 1 cup water into pan. boiled until boiling. If it is boiling, strain the saffron water into a glass, then mixed with raw egg yolks and a little sugar. Stir until smooth. Let stand until warm, then drink.
In addition to the treatment, ulcer patients should avoid eating spicy foods and beverages, hot, sour, coffee, alcohol and foods that contain high cholesterol.