Thursday, January 13, 2011

Treating hemorrhoids with medicinal plants

Hemorrhoid (in medical language is called Piles) is a disease or disorder of the rectum where the lips have swollen anus which is sometimes accompanied by bleeding. In some cases, the hemorrhoid is caused by errors in the motion at a particular sport such as the weight-bearing exercise or breathing exercise, too much sitting or standing, genetic factors, straining too hard during a bowel movement (usually due to constipation) and can occur also in women pregnant. But generally, the cause is because of straining too hard during bowel movements and too much sitting or standing, are also more prone to occur in women than men. That's because women more often experienced widening veins or veins than men.

Hemorrhoid may bleed, especially after bowel movements, so the stool contains blood or there were bloodstains on the towel / toilet bathroom. His blood can make the water in the toilet bowl red. But the amount of blood is usually small and hemorrhoid rarely cause severe blood loss or anemia.

Protruding hemorrhoid may be put back slowly by hand or can be entered by itself. Hemorrhoids may swell and become painful when the surface is exposed to friction or if in it the formation of blood clots.

Sometimes hemorrhoid can remove mucus and cause a feeling that there is content that has not been excluded rectum. Itching in the anal region can be a symptom of hemorrhoid. The itching is due to circumstances which expelled hemorrhoid that inhibit the efficient cleaning of the anus, can cause small particles of feces accumulate on the perianal skin and works as an irritant. These irritants can potentially become cancerous if not immediately addressed.

Usually, hemorrhoid does not require treatment unless it causes symptoms. Taking stool softeners or psilium can reduce constipation and stretching that accompanies it. Sclerotherapy injections given to patients who experience bleeding hemorrhoid. With this injection, vein replaced by scar tissue.

Hemorrhoid in a large and not react to injection sclerotherapy, tied with rubber bands. This method, called rubber band ligation, hemorrhoid causing wilt and drop out without pain. This treatment is done with an interval of 2 weeks or more. It may take 3-6 times of treatment. Hemorrhoid may also be destroyed with the destruction of the laser, infrared fotokoagulasi or by electrocoagulation. Surgery may be used when other treatments fail.

Some medicinal plants used for hemorrhoid has the effect of stimulating the bowel (laxatives), soften stools, anti-inflammatory, reduce swelling and soften the skin (emoliens), among others: Handeuleum (Graptophyllum pictum Griff.), aloe vera (Aloe vera L.), Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.), sosor bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata Pers.), lotus root (Nelumbo Druce Nelumbium.), and gotu kola (Centella asiatica Urban.)

How to use are as follows:
15 pieces handeuleum + 20 grams of turmeric + 15 grams of Centella asiatica/gotu kola, washed and boiled with 600 cc to 300 cc of water, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day, each time 150 cc.
Benefits: handeuleum serves as a mild laxative (mild laxative), skin softener (emollient), turmeric as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, blood circulation, remove blockages, astringent, and gotu kola is useful as an anti-infectious, and soothing.

90 grams of aloe vera leaf (peeled and cut into pieces) + 15 grams fennel, boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered, add honey, water is taken, eaten meat aloe vera leaf.
For external use:
Aloe vera leaves peeled and juiced. Take aloe vera juice to taste, add the powdered Norit and gambier powder to taste with a ratio of 3: 1, stirring until blended and then applied to the protruding hemorrhoid.
Benefits: Aloe vera is useful as a laxative, anti-inflammatory, and emoliens, while fennel has the effect of reducing the swelling, blood circulation, analgesic.

30 grams of purslane + 30 grams leaves sosor bebek, washed, then boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, add honey, water is taken 2 times a day.
Benefits: purslane to relieve pain, reduce swelling, blood circulation, while the sosor bebek leaves is useful to reduce swelling, stop bleeding, and anti-inflammatory.

For bleeding hemorrhoid can be used lotus root and then washed until thethe water is collected dijuice 1 cup size of 200 cc ,then drink .
Benefits: lotus root function to stop the bleeding.

Avoid spicy foods, lamb, fried, durian and multiply fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruits, select one of the recipes use in and do regularly, and use the pot boiling the ground or enamel saucepan.