Tuesday, January 4, 2011

DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever)

DHF (dengue hemorrhagic fever) is an acute febrile illness that is found in the tropics, with a geographical spread similar to malaria. The disease is caused by one of four virus serotypes of the genus Flavivirus. Each serotype is sufficiently different that there is no cross-protection and epidemics caused by multiple serotypes can occur. Dengue Fever is spread to humans by the mosquito Aedes aegypti.

The disease is demonstrated through the emergence of continuous high fever, accompanied by signs of bleeding, such as rash. A rash of dengue fever have a characteristic bright red. In addition, other signs and symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, thrombocytopenia, hemokonsentrasi,  severe headache, pain in joints, muscle pain. A small number of cases could lead to DSS (dengue shock syndrome) which has a high mortality rate. This alert condition needs to be addressed with a vast knowledge by patients and families who must immediately consult a physician if the patient has a high fever 3 days in a row. Many patients or families of patients experienced a fatal condition because he considered mild symptoms.

After the incubation period of 3-15 days the infected person can experience this disease in one of the 4 following form:
  1. Abortive form, the patient does not feel any symptoms.
  2. Classic dengue, patients experience high fever for 4-7 days, aches in bones, followed by the appearance of spots or patches of bleeding under the skin.
  3. Dengue haemorrhagic fever symptoms are similar to classic dengue plus bleeding from the nose, mouth, anus, etc..
  4. Dengue Shock Syndrome, its symptoms are similar to DHF plus shock or presyok. These forms often lead to death.
Because of frequent bleeding and shock then in this disease death rate is high, therefore any patient suspected of having dengue fever in any level should be immediately taken to the doctor or hospital, given at any time can suffer from shock or death. If it is not possible for any reason, can be given alternative treatment with herbal ingredients. However, these actions are taken if absolutely can not take the patient to the doctor or hospital.

The following herbal ingredients to treat Dengue Fever. Provide old papaya leaves (Carica papaya L.) 2 pieces, 3-4 plants of child pick a back (Phylanthus urinaria, Linn.), 2-3 red guava leaf (Psidium guajava L.), 2-4 fingers of turmeric (curcuma domestica val), temu hitam (curcuma aeruginosa roxb) 2-3 pieces, and salt to taste. All materials are ground or blended and then mixed with a glass of water. Taken three times daily. Can also be used in the form of crude drug. How, bulbs boiled with six cups water to produce three glasses, then drink boiling water three times a day, each one cup in the morning, noon and night.

Why should use these materials? Let us analyze the benefits of each of the following plants.

Papaya (Carica papaya)
For DHF herb, used papaya leaf male. Papaya leaves contain various enzymes such as papain, karpain, pseudokarpain, nicotine, kontinin, miosmin, and glycosides karposid. Empirical benefits of papaya leaves is the sap of young leaves papaya to laxatives, the leaf stimulates bile secretion as well as upset stomach, fever, malaria, and intestinal worms and helps the digestive process.

According to WHO papaya leaves are used as ingredients of medicines in 23 countries and given priority as the main medicinal plants. Results of research on the efficacy of papaya leaves showed that the papain in papaya leaves have therapeutic effects in patients with inflammation or swelling of the liver, eyes, genitals, and small intestine. Swelling of the liver was found in patients with dengue fever. In addition, papaya leaves also has antioxidant activity, anticoagulant, and heal the wounds of the stomach and intestines.

Child pick a back (Phylanthus urinaria, Linn.)
Child pick a back has efficacy as an antiviral drug. Compounds found in child pick a back include triterpenoids, flavoniod, tannins, alkaloids, and phenolic acids. Empirically, child pick a back leaf decoction is often used as traditional medicine to treat liver disease, as a diuretic for heart and kidney, colic, venereal diseases, cough, expectorant, diarrhea, mouth sores or heat in, and as a stomach tonic. The results showed that functioning child pick a back inhibit DNA polymerase of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis virus like, inhibit the enzyme reverse transcriptase of retroviruses, as antibacterial, antifungal, antidiarrheal, and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Child pick a back also has a function to increase patient endurance spur cell phagocytosis by macrophages, T lymphocyte proliferative function, IgM and IgG antibodies, haemolytic activity, cytotoxicity of NK cells, and khemotaksis neutrophils and macrophages.

Turmeric (Curcuma domestica)
Turmeric has long been used in traditional medicine herbs for preventing and treating various diseases, such as stomakik, stimulant, carminative, haematik, hepato-protector, treat wounds and stomach ulcer, as food coloring, spice, antispasmodik, antiimflamasi, indigestion, and as insecticides, cosmetic ingredients, and antioxidants. Turmeric rhizome contains essential oils (turmeron, zingiberene) and nutritious substances from the class of curcuminoids (curcumin I, II, and III). The results showed that the turmeric has the activity as an antimicrobial (broad spectrum), HIV antiviral, antioxidant, antitumor (induces apostosis), inhibited the progression of breast tumor cells, cancer cells antiinvasi, antireumatoid arthritis (rheumatism), and to treat digestive diseases (peptic ulcers)

Temu Hitam (Curcuma aeruginosa)
Temu Hitam has been used empirically to treat liver cells are damaged. In patients with dengue fever, there was damage to liver cells. Empirically Intersection ireng also useful for treating colic, gastric and intestinal injury, asthma, coughs, increase appetite, accelerate spending lokhia after giving birth, prevent obesity, rheumatism, anthelmintic, and as a source of flour. Temu Hitam contains essential oils (turmeron, zingiberene), curcuminoids (curcumin I, II, and III) as well as alkaloids, saponins, starch, resins, and fats.

Guava (Psidium guajava)
Guava leaf has been used in traditional medicine. Empirically, guava leaves are antibiotics and has been used for diarrhea, while his men to laxatives, tannins narrow veins. Guava leaf contains tannins, essential oils, fatty oils, and oil malate, while fruit contains vitamin C is high.

The results are quoted from various sources indicate guava leaf shown to inhibit the enzyme reverse transcriptase activity of dengue virus, tannins inhibit the enzyme reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase from a virus and inhibits the growth of the core viral DNA or RNA. Results of clinical trials showed that administration of dried extract of guava leaves for 5 days to accelerate the achievement of platelet count> 100.000/μl, dry extract every 4-6 hours to increase the number of platelets> 100.000/μl after 12-14 hours, without causing significant side effects . Thus, the extract of guava leaves can be used for curative treatment of dengue fever.