Thursday, December 23, 2010

Herbal ingredients to overcome anemia

In the last post we have discussed how the Benefits of spinach in overcoming anemia. This time we discuss other herbs to treat anemia.

  1. Half handheld elephantopus scaber root, 1 tablespoon pure honey, and 2 teaspoons lemon juice. Wash elephantopus scaber root then in milled until smooth. Pour 1 tablespoon of pure honey and 2 teaspoons lime juice, squeeze and strain the water. In the drink 2 times a day with a dose of 3 tablespoons of one drink.
  2. Cut the banana tree the new child as high as an inch, then rinse thoroughly and in the scar. Season 1 tablespoon salt and enough water, then squeeze and strain the water. In the drink 2 times a day with a dose of 3 tablespoons of one drink.
  3. Half a bean leaf cell in the wash. Smoked for a while, then in fresh vegetable when lunch and dinner.
  4. Half finger zingiber zerumbet, 4,5 cups of water, and honey to taste. Wash and cut zingiber zerumbet as needed, then boiled until the water boiled half. Cool, then strain and add honey to taste. Drink this mixture two times a day. This herb is only for one drink.
Other herbal plants used to treat anemia.
Yellow dock root
Yellow dock is one of the most common herbs recommended for patients with anemia. This European native herbs are widely grown on the roadside. These herbs are rich in iron so it is effectively cope with anemia and either used by pregnant women. Yellow dock contains chemical components such as anthraquinone glycosides, tannins, resins, oxalates, and iron. In addition, this herb also contains phosphorus, vitamins A, C and calcium. Yellow dock helps free up iron stored in the liver so that it can be used by all parts of the body. You can use yellow dock root stew with drinking water.

Although this plant can irritate skin and cause itching, but this one herb can be cooked and eaten like spinach. Nettle usually grows in shady and damp areas. You can use the dried herb form, solution of the drug, or extract in capsule form. These herbs are often combined with fruit prambos leaves red and dry oat straw, and used as a tea. You also can add fennel seeds to optimize results.

Dandelion and burdock root
Both these plants are often combined as herbs to treat anemia. Both this plant works by increasing the body's ability to absorb iron from food consumed.

Plant this one is very nutritious if consumed in tablet form. The dose is usually quite large, about 18 tablets per day. These herbs are more like foods than drugs.

This plant is often used in Europe to overcome anemia. This herb works by stimulating the digestive system to be more easily absorb iron and other nutrients. How, add a teaspoon of gentian dry flour into 3 cups of water. Drink a half hour before meals.

These herbs can cope with microcytic and macrocytic anemia. The trick, eat a teaspoon of spirulina every day.