Monday, November 29, 2010

Betel in the healing benefits of venereal disease

Some of the venereal disease experienced by men and women caused by bacteria that spread through sexual contact, but there is also caused by other factors such as through mother to child in the uterus, diabetes, pregnancy, and so forth. But the biggest factor is through sexual contacts.


In the United States, about 36,000 cases of syphilis are reported each year, and estimated the actual figure is higher. About three-fifths of cases occur to men. If untreated, syphilis can cause serious effects such as damage to the nervous system, heart, or brain.Untreated syphilis can have serious repercussions.

Betel leaf herb can be used for the treatment of mild spilis. Kavikol who conceived of this herb can kill bacteria five times stronger than ordinary phenol.

How to make: 25-30 betel leaves along the stem, 0.25 kg of palm sugar and salt to taste boiled together with 2 liters of water until boiling, then filtered. Water decoction is drunk 3 times a day continuously.

Whitish disease (pitch-tay)

Whiteness is often regarded as common and trivial thing for women. In addition, a sense of shame when having vaginal discharge often make women reluctant to consult a doctor. In fact, abnormal vaginal discharge due to infection that continues to cause health problems. In pregnant women, other than to disrupt the mother's health, also can affect the fetus.

To cope with whitish disease, leaves of herbaceous plants can be used. How: 70-10 betel leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water to boiling and cooking water (in a state still warm) was used to wash / clean up around the genitals repeatedly. But remember not to overuse of this herb as it can cause the color of the pubic somewhat swarthy.

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