Saturday, November 27, 2010

BETEL, herbs healing sore eyes

Returning from a friend's house in the middle of the day hot and dusty road that makes my eyes feel itchy and somewhat sore. When I saw in the mirror, my eyes are slightly red and slightly inflamed, probably due to exposure to dust flying when on the road earlier. Soon I was looking for eye drops in the medicine cabinet, it was gone and I forgot to buy it. I'm lazy to go out to buy eye drops at the stall near my house.

I remember as a kid, my father always told me to wash my eyes with water squeeze of betel if my eyes possessed by dust or become inflamed. Luckily I plant this herb in the garden behind my house. Immediately I took a few strands, after cleaned with water and then I squeezed it with betel leaf sap out goals in the cup containing clean water. Water squeeze of betel leaf is filtered to remove the remnants of crumpled leaves.

After the squeeze water clean and clear, then I wash my eyes with my face half way to dive in the water container, opening my eyes in the water the squeeze of the betel leaf. I move my eye balls in the water betel and repeat until a couple of times. At first when I opened my eyes in the water squeeze, it does sting a little bit. But after I repeat 3-4 times, the pain was not felt anymore. As a result, my back light and do not itch anymore.

This is my own experience that utilizes one of the properties of the leaves of this herb plant. There are many more other benefits owned this betel plant, for example, to remove the smell of bodies, treat muscle aches, and others that will be discussed at the next post.

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