Friday, April 29, 2011

Sweat a lot unhealthy sign

Sweating is fine, but if it is excessive it could be a sign that something is wrong in our bodies. What if I want to know if the sweat that comes out of our body too much or not? First, grab a coffee filter paper which can be found at the supermarket and weigh. Furthermore, the paper wide as saucers are tucked in the armpit. After 60 seconds, filter paper was taken again and weighed. The excess weight of the end and beginning of the paper shows the amount of sweat released by the body.

Limit of the normal rate for adults is 20 mg. More than that number, the doctor may conclude that the relevant experience sweating disorder that may lead to the emergence of diseases, such as cases of severe hyperdrose. From these examples, we actually can know that hyperdrose a health disorder of excessive sweat production.

Actually, what causes the appearance of sweat? In the human body there are more than two million glands that fester in the bottom part of the epidermis to the hypodermis of the human body (typical cell layer contained beneath the epidermis). The gland is widely available in the feet and hands. The amount is approximately 400 glands per cm2. While in the back or buttock only amounted to 55 glands per cm2.

The gland is permanently remove the clear liquid called sweat, which consisting of 99% water and electrolytes. In extreme conditions, the adult can sweat up to 2 liters per hour, whereas under normal conditions a person is only out to 1.5 liters of sweat per day.

Meanwhile, during puberty, glands called aprokin employment also increased in the armpits and genitals. These glands not only remove the water, but also about 250 other different types of materials. When aprokin sweat glands, usually will appear unpleasant odors caused by bacterial activity.

Actually, sweat is the body's mechanism to maintain viability. Due process of metabolism, the body will generate heat that must be suppressed so that the body does not overheat. How do I? When there is a change in body temperature, the receptors in the epidermis of the body would report the matter to the brain. Then the brain would immediately react by adjusting the blood circulation for the heat evenly throughout the body.

If these efforts do not succeed, will play the role of sweat glands. It will remove the sweat glands through the skin, which will moisten and cool the skin.

Sweat volume issued of course there are limits and if excessive, surely there's something wrong in the body. There are some serious diseases that could have hidden behind the swift flow of perspiration, for example the thyroid disorders, diabetes, hypertension, or even tumors.

Now there are a number of therapies that can be used to overcome this problem, start therapy with aluminum chloride gel that is able to sweat through a special medicine to wash the hands and feet, until the medicine spray with botulinum neurotoxin. Some people are even willing to perform surgical removal of the gland or separation of various types of nerve.