Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How the Efficacy of Sarang Semut Plants are formed?

Sarang semut plants by scientific name Myrmecodia pendans therein is a plant that is used as a nest of ants. In it consists of a labyrinth of the ants as a burrow to conduct its activities. Although the plants are not unusual but the efficacy of treatment possessed extraordinary.

Sarang semut plants was first introduced in the interior of Papua, which is used as medicine by local residents in addition to the red fruit (Mahkota Dewa). This plant is cultivated as a mixture of pulp and also as a beverage in order to increase body immunity. In addition, many also use as a medicine for various diseases in the body. Efficacy of herbal owned characterized by the content of active substances such as antioxidants, polyphenols, and glycosides contained therein. All three of these substances help the human body to control a variety of deadly diseases. One of them as an immune stimulant to increase immunity.

Technically, immuno stimulant substances will help and protect the body's cells to perform the job properly. When the cell is operating properly, then the disease can be prevented cell disorders and treated. Disease cell disorder that most often received body is cancer. The content of substances that have indeed supported by the activities of ants in it where a lot of beneficial substances that linger in the plants. In ants, antioxidants serve as an important substance for the formation of colonies. In addition, as a stronghold for egg storage of the disease.

When viewed this condition is almost similar to the honey bee issued to protect their eggs. In the ant properties that appear most likely derived from the salivary glands of ants that interact with plants and a few other microbes.

In addition to preventing and treating cancer, sarang semut plants are also effective to help cure various diseases of heart problems, ambient (hemorrhoids), rheumatism, stroke, ulcers, kidney dysfunction and prostate. Even the stiff, smooth milk, migraine, paved the blood vessels, liver, and even restore sexual desire can also be taken of the efficacy of this plant. Plus herbal owned content can inhibit the enzyme xanthine oxidant that can lead to uric acid and free radicals. For diabetics this plant also became an alternative that must be tried. Because the content of substances produced by the ants will neutralize blood sugar levels.

Logically this is possible because the sugar into a main meal of ants and certain content owned by antibody against sugar compounds are very full. So naturally sugar opponent with a substance that is owned by ants through nest. Because even though the ants do not eat sugar diabetes

To get the properties of sarang semut plants is very easy. Cut into small sarang semut plants that have been mature enough. Adult size is pretty easy, at least greater than or equal to the size of a bottle of mineral water 1.5 liters. For the greater will be many more colonies of ants in it and the more beneficial substances also owned.

After the cut thin and small, dry in the sun to dry or can be inserted into the oven. From this dry piece of boiled about 15-20 minutes to extract the contents therein. After the cooking water can be drunk immediately or be given additional material to reduce bitter taste. Extract sarang semut plants can be drunk every day both as a medicine and prevention. In addition to the house in cut ants can also pack in powder form by grinding the dried pieces. The dose to one tablespoon boiled in two cups of water (400cc) to get a glass of boiled water. Dispose of waste and drinking only boiled water only.

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