Saturday, February 26, 2011

Herbaceous Plants that Can Prevent Cancer Cell Growth

Cancer or neoplasm is an abnormal growth and uncontrolled by the body. The disease attacks the tissue around it and move to another tissue via the blood circulation. Most of these diseases can cause death.

It is not yet found the ideal cure for cancer, which destroys cancer cells without damaging normal cells. Nevertheless, many patients can be treated with anticancer drugs and some are experiencing recovery. One class of antineoplasma is plant alkaloids.

Plant alkaloids are drugs that can stop cell division and prevents the formation of new cells. For example: paclitaxel, vincristine, vinblastine, etc..
Some examples below plants that contain substances that have the potential to prevent or stop cancer cell division.

Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
Sambiloto many found almost all over the archipelago. The taxonomy Sambiloto Spermathophyta classified into divisions, subdivisions Angiospermae, Dycotyledonae class, subclass Gamopetalae, Order Personales, Acanthaceae family, subfamily and genus Andrographis Acanthoidae. The main component is andrographolide Sambiloto useful as a drug ingredient. In addition, sambiloto leaves contain saponin, falvonoid, alkaloids and tannins. Other chemical constituents contained in the leaves and stems are laktone, panikulin, kalmegin and yellow crystal that has a bitter taste. Sambiloto traditionally been used for the treatment of snake or insect bites, fever, and dysentery, rheumatism, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal infections, and others. Sambiloto also used for the antimicrobial / antibacterial, antihyper-glycemic, anti shortness of breath and to improve liver function. Given the content and function of these plants, now sambiloto widely studied to be developed as a raw material of modern medicine, including the use of bitter as HIV and cancer drugs.

Mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa)
Mahkota dewa is a clump of plants Thymelaceae tribe that thrives in lowland until height of 1200 meters above sea level. This plant has 1200 species in 67 genera spread. Appearance of this plant is very interesting, especially when men are getting old with maroon color, so many kept as ornamental plants. Lately the plant mahkota dewa widely used as traditional medicine, either singly or mixed with other traditional medicines. Gynecology mahkota dewa like tannins, terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids have anticancer and antioxidant activity.

Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic contains compounds immune system booster (Dially sulfide) that increase the immune cells that fight cancer and indirectly help break down cancer-causing compounds.

Temu Putih (Curcuma zedoaria)
According to the American Institute cancer research reports, temu putih contain RIP (Ribosome inacting protein), an anti-oxidant and anti-curcumin. RIP efficacious disable cancer cell growth, shed cancer cells without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea)
Broccoli is a plant that contains vitamin C and dietary fiber. in addition it also contains compounds glukorafanin broccoli which is a natural form sulforafana anticancer compounds.

Rodent tuber (Typhonium flagiliforme)
Rodent tuber from many and is increasingly recognized as a material for drug eradication of breast cancer. According to research some experts, the extract of the roots of this herb effective for prostate cancer and increasing antibacterial activity in blood. The leaves of this herb contains Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs) as anti-cancer, in addition to also be efficacious as antiviral. Pharmacological effect which is the main drug to treat cancer of advanced stage.

Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus)
At this plant leaves, bark and wood contain saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols. The roots contain saponin, galus acid, tannic substances, and toxic substances (toxic). Fruits contain vitamin C. Leaves efficacious as launched sputum, laxatives (purgatif), nausea, cancer, and oral thrush. Efficacious skin overcome asthma and skin disease. Nutritious root bark as a laxative. Seeds to treat constipation and nausea.

Apart from a few examples of the above plants are still there are many types of plants / fruits that have a substance as an anti-cancer potential.