Saturday, January 1, 2011

Overcome dandruff naturally

Dandruff is the excessive flaking of dead skin on the head. Most people feel lost confidence if dandruff. In addition, the dandruff is also one of the causes of hair damage. Therefore, dandruff should be addressed immediately.

Symptoms of dandruff is characterized by the form of white flakes of dead skin and oily hair littering and shoulders, scalp scaly, and itching of the scalp.

In line with the growth of skin, the outermost cells of the scalp will be pushed out, where they eventually die and peel off from the head. Exfoliation is too small to be visible eye. In people dandruff, skin cells may die and be replaced approximately every 2 weeks. Whereas in people without dandruff, this cycle lasts 1 month.
As a result, dead skin cells will detach and accumulate in large numbers, which appear as small flakes, white or gray on the scalp.

Here are tips on eliminating dandruff taken from various sources
  • 2 pieces of lemon, then cut open, then rub your head all the skin surface evenly with a massage. Let stand for about 30 minutes, then rinse your hair until completely clean. If you do so on a regular basis once a week, the dandruff will undoubtedly be lost on your scalp.
  • 3 pieces of kale leaves, celery leaves 3 leaves, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup water. Kale, celery, salt until finely ground. Enter into a container and add water, then filtered. Shampooing with using the results of the filter. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with clean water.
  • 3 fruit noni puree with a little water, then take the juice by squeezing the dough. Then use the juice to wash it, let stand about 10 minutes. Wash your hair using a shampoo and rinse with water until completely clean. Do this treatment once a week on a regular basis.
  • Another way is to use olive oil, because olive oil is rich in vitamin E. Combine olive oil with almonds. Massage scalp with fingers. Clean hair after massaging the scalp with olive oil.
In addition to care from the outside, care of the body needed to accelerate the healing process dandruff. Vitamin B can reduce and prevent the occurrence of dandruff. Elements of this B vitamin is a natural remedy to improve the condition of the body. Vitamin B helps break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which allows for healing of the scalp. Foods that contain vitamin B include barley, eggs, liver, milk, royal jelly and soy.

Adding foods in the diet of the same topical medication proven to more effectively treat and banish dandruff naturally. However, in some severe cases, doctors require special handling.