Friday, December 3, 2010

Usefulness and benefits of galangal plant

Galangal is one kind of medicinal plant that has many benefits.Rhizome of this herb is very useful to treat several diseases, among others, as follows.

Treat skin diseases like scabies, sores and ulcers.
Prepare rhizome galangal and garlic with a ratio of 1: 4. both ingredients until finely ground. After that affixed on the sick, but sore must be cleaned first. For scab that was a long time, these ingredients can be added with vinegar. As for treating tinea versicolor, the material use is still fresh galangal chopped and mixed with vinegar, then rub on exposed skin fungus skin.

Liniment body warmers.
To make a liniment body warmers, how to use fresh galangal. The small galangal sliced and soaked in the solution to alcohol. After that, rub the solution on the stomach.

Treating rheumatoid arthritis
Cut the rhizome of this herb as necessary and simmer with the pan that has been filled with water. Boil water until boiling. After boiling let stand for a moment, wait until the water becomes warm and use for bathing.

Other Benefits
Another benefit of this herb, among others, to improve digestion, clear the mucus from the respiratory tract, strengthens the stomach, cure headaches, chest pain, increase appetite, swelling due to insect bites heal, relieve colds, and reduces fatigue.

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