Acne (Agne vulgaris) is a condition in which the clogged skin pores causing the inflamed pus sac. Possible cause is hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin.
This type of acne there are 3 kinds, namely: blackheads, pimples usual, and crystic acne. Cause, other than dirty skin and ginetik factor, acne can be caused by excess production of oil glands (sebaceus glands) that clog follicles and pores of the skin. Excessive glands that clog the mixes with dead skin cells become black or white spots.
In mentions that cause bacteria in the skin called p.acne, tend to proliferate in the blocked sebaceous glands, which produce substances that cause irritation to the surrounding area.The gland continues to swell, and may be broken, then spread the inflammation to the skin surrounding areas. This is what causes acne crystic type most likely, that leave long-term pigmentation and scars are permanent, such as smallpox.
Natural way to overcome acne
Many ways are done by people to treat pimples that grow on his face. Some use of modern medicine and some are doing the traditional treatment. To use modern medicine, there are several things into consideration, namely the cost and side effects from the use of modern medicine. We can also use the traditional way to handle this acne, as well as a economical cost, side effects were not as great when using modern medicines. This traditional acne treatment using natural ingredients easily available and affordable cost relatiif. Examples of these alternative treatments include:
- Take 2-3 pieces of papaya that is old and dry in the sun. Papaya leaves are crushed and given water and then squeezed to take the juice. Apply papaya juice on acne.
- 5-10 pieces of betel leaf, then boiled with 2 cups water in a sealed container. After boiling, remove and let stand until lukewarm. This herb is used to wash your face acne, should be performed routinely before bed and after travel.
- Half a clove of garlic, turmeric for one segment of finger and medium-size potato cucumber and aloe vera added. All materials are crushed and mixed until blended. This herb is applied to the entire skin surface of acne as a mask, leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water, followed by cold water.
- A squeeze of lemon and a cucumber or yam, mashed and squeezed take water, then mix. Apply the mixture to the entire surface of the skin of the face as a mask, leave on for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. Perform regular 2 days. If the acne sore, use is stopped.
- Noni fruit 2 pieces and 2 knuckle palm sugar mashed (blended) with a glass of water (200 cc), then strain and boil until boiling.Decoction drunk while still warm every morning one hour before meals. This herb will cleanse dirty blood. Dirty blood is one cause of acne.
- Jasmine flower of 20 petals, 2 finger tamarind, 2 tablespoons lime juice and brimstone of a marble, mixed and finely ground, then apply on acne prone skin in the morning and at night before bed this herb can cause acne to deflate.
- Bilimbi 5 pieces and finely ground salt water and the water is applied to the skin of acne twice a day in the morning and at night before bed.
- The fruit is still green mahkota dewa shredded and the result directly applied to the skin pimpled face as a mask.